The Fight Against Parasites

Could parasites be the cause of your underlining health issues? Most people may have parasites in their body. It can come from our food, our surroundings, or our environment. A parasite is an organism living inside another organism; it often lives off its host and uses the host’s resources to fuel its life cycle and … More The Fight Against Parasites

Top 10 Uses of Silver

Throughout history, Silver has been used to help people medically. Silver Sol contains bacteria and virus fighting agents that help with a range of medical issues from flu and cold, to aches and pains and respiratory issues; destroys disease-causing pathogens. It can also purify water and help with bad breath. Another great thing about silver … More Top 10 Uses of Silver

You Might Need a Liver Cleanse If You Have…

skin tags or moles droopy eyelids age spots on the back of your hand brow furrows between your eyes liver shiners (dark circles beneath your eyes) frown lines beside your mouth psoriasis PMS or any other female issues prostate issues constipation, gas, or other intestinal distress bloating trouble sleeping through the night without waking up … More You Might Need a Liver Cleanse If You Have…